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Friday, March 2, 2012

One. Love.

Buy One Pair Of  TOMS  and Send A Second Pair Here...

Toms Shoes is synonymous across the globe with their "one-for-one" charitable business venture. Since the launch, Toms has skyrocketed to stardom with their uber comfortable, concert friendly, summer shoes. Devoted followers bought for The Cause and ease of each shoe. Now, with the new summer collection, Toms also provides fashion for our feet! 

The new collection has leather booties, bright colors, and twists on their classic mummy-like silhouette. We just unpacked these two styles, among many others, at Scarpe!

Get your new Summer '12 Toms Shoes at Scarpe, in time for One Day Without Shoes; Toms annual worldwide campaign to bring awareness to those who are not fortunate enough to have a pair of shoes. For one day, go barefoot and join the thousands of advocates from across the globe to raise awareness through curiosity, art, and self sacrifice. 

One day. One pair of shoes. One life saved by you!

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